2015 Recap

It's been a full year.
India (here, here here, here, and here), Scotland, Turkey, Honduras, South Africa, HOME. 

Some things I've learned:
-if you can't become friends with someone in another country, always give them fake names to identify them (Tribune, Norman the Doorman, Quaker, Ferdinand…get creative.)
-discovery is when you see with new eyes.
-listen to God's voice in your life, even if it crushes you temporarily.
-give away work as much as you can. if you're a little more free than normal, fill a need.
-make people feel beautiful. (words, gifts, favors, talents. we are all able.)
-do things that scare you. crazy things that will make you want to pee your pants on the way to them.
-shin splits aren't a reason to quit…you might end up going a lot farther than you thought you ever could. ;)
-never attach a person to their social status
-trust the plan God is leading you in, He created you, and He knows what you need.
-love the people who surround you hard. let them know, and be real.