Scott and Sarah (St. Clairsville, Ohio)

Sarah has been one of my closest girlfriends for about two years, and one of the only friends who actually lives in my town who I can go on dates and hangout with on a regular basis. We know each other’s hearts and have shared many times of laughter and tears, seeing each other’s highest joys and deepest sorrows. In a few weeks Sarah is leaving to work at a children’s home in Honduras for six months, and marrying her best friend upon her return. Last year Scott was just an acquaintance, but in God’s amazing timing they met, and trust me, make quite the power couple. They are surrendered to God’s will for their lives, adventurous, and the most joyful people I’ve ever been around. Their laughter is constant.

We took these photos at my house the day after Scott returned from a missions trip to China, but even jetlag didn’t phase them. As I was shooting them in a big bed of soft grass Scott said, “Okay, put your camera down for a sec and come over here with us. I need to tell you this story.” Mmmm, yeah. That’s what I love. Just hanging out is the best script for any shoot.

Also, this is our goat’s first modeling debut, and turns out he’s a total camera hog. If you ever want photos taken with a goat, call me.

You two....well, I love you. (I could write about them all day but I need to go over to Sarah's house and CELEBRATE because she graduated today!!!! Priorities. ;))